Our Services
Our involvement with you can occur via three different and proven paths: Training, Consulting and Coaching.
In all cases and irrespective of intervention types, our prime focus revolve around building capabilities from within your organization, being your trusted advisor and catering to needs that best suit process and business objectives.
Learning and Development:
As a trusted partner for your learning and development needs, we support you across the spectrum by experts in the area of Operational Excellence, Shop Floor Excellence, Personal Excellence and Management System. In addition to training and consulting services, our coaching services are customized based on the specific need and offered via three different approaches- Executive Coaching, Operational Coaching and Corporate Counselling
Operational Excellence:
Consulting, training and mentoring the trained candidates on world class techniques such as Lean, Six Sigma, TPM, TQM are offered under the umbrella of Operational Excellence
The Operational Excellence Programs are also offered online for local and global clients.
Shop Floor Excellence:
Shop Floor Excellence programs are focused on developing operators and supervisors.
Personal Excellence:
The focus in this section is on soft skills and leadership development of engineers, managers and leaders.
Management System.
A management system is the way in which an organization manages the interrelated parts of its business in order to achieve its objectives. We offer consulting and training in Quality, Environmental, Information Security, as well as Occupation Health & Safety Management systems.
Executive Coaching is typically for senior leadership and the engagement would take six months and more
Operational Coaching can be as short as a couple of hours and can go to several days. Very helpful for functional heads as well as individual contributors and senior leadership
Corporate Counseling can also be short duration sessions for individuals at different levels in the organization. Typically at the lower and mid-levels and helps to cope up with the stress levels at work